Wednesday, October 15, 2014

October in New Hampshire

It has been absolutely the best foliage season in years on top of my mountain.  And, with the end of the growing season, all preparations for winter are being completed.

A recap of the year!   From Cardigan Farms

* It was a year of very tasty maple syrup but production levels were down.

* The blueberries were so wonderful, we couldn't keep them in stock!

* Our introduction to garlic was extremely well received. It began with scapes in the spring ( the very best pesto of all )

                 To make pesto:  1 cup basil leaves, 4 cloves garlic, a hint of sea salt, a
                  tablespoon of pine nuts and 1/2 cup of olive oil.  Mince the basil, garlic,
                  sea salt and pine nuts until they are combined. Slowly add the olive oil and
                  mix about 1 minute.  Ready!
                  Spread it on toasted baguettes, toss with greens, mix with pasta, spread
                  on toast before adding turkey and swiss cheese! 

    We planted 4 types but German White and Georgian Fire were the hands down favorites!


Flour, water and such! was published this summer. It was a family activity again as are all of the
cookbooks.  The kids love seeing their names in print.

The Flour book is a little different. Most recipes were not original and we noted from where we found them!  All of them are family favorites.

With the success of our garlic, we anticipate yet another testing year for garlic recipes that will
ultimately result in yet another cookbook!

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